City of Allentown - PA - Official Site
- [ このページを訳す ]www.allentownpa.gov/ - キャッシュThe official website for the City of Allentown, PA. Learn about all the exciting events going on in the city of Allentown, from music, arts, theater, and sports. Allentown is the largest city in the Lehigh Valley. Information for residents and visitors to ...Allentown, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- [ このページを訳す ]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allentown,_Pennsylvania - キャッシュAllentown is a city located in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It isPennsylvania's third most populous city, after Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and the 215th largest city in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a ...帰りのターンパイクの光景。フィラデルフィア方面に向かう長蛇の車列。私たちは北へ向かうので、スイスイでした。