■Central Park Conservancy: The Official Website for Central Park - [ このページを訳す ]
The official site for information on New York City's Central Park, hosted by the Central Park Conservancy. Its mission is to restore, manage, and preserve Central Park, in partnership with the public, for the enjoyment of present and ...
■セントラル・パーク - Wikipedia
セントラル・パーク(Central park)はニューヨークのマンハッタンにある都市公園。南北4km、東西0.8kmの広さがある。周囲の摩天楼で働き暮らすマンハッタンの人々のオアシスとなっており、映画やテレビの舞台としても度々登場するため世界的にも知られる ...
概要 - 歴史 - 彫刻 - その他ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/セントラル・パーク
■Central Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - [ このページを訳す ]
Central Park is a large public, urban park that occupies over a square mile (341 hectares) in the heart of Manhattan in New York City. It is host to approximately twenty-five million visitors each year. Central Park was opened in 1859, ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park -
■Naumburg Orchestral Concerts - Free Concerts at the Naumburg ... - [ このページを訳す ]
Naumburg Orchestral Concerts. Experience this annual free outdoor classical concert series in Central Park. ... The Naumburg Bandshell is located on the Concert Ground in Central Park (Map) south of the 72nd Street cross-drive. ...gonyc.about.com/od/.../a/naumburg_music.htm - キャッシュ - 類似ページ
■Bandshell Your Complete Guide to Central Park - [ このページを訳す ]
Central Park's Naumburg Bandshell stands at the edge of the Mall, just south of Bethesda Terrace, and has been home to an eclectic array of popular musical entertainers.www.centralpark.com/pages/attractions/bandshell.html