朝7:30に出発。朝食を取ろうと本館に行きましたが、あいにくの長蛇の列。。。。朝食を諦め、車に乗り、Disney Worldに行くことにしました。
Disney Downtownの横を通り、まずはDisney Holleywood Studioへ向かいます。
■Walt Disney World Resort - [ このページを訳す ]
Welcome to Walt Disney World. Come and enjoy the magic of Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. Plan your family vacation and create memories for a lifetime.
Welcome to Walt Disney World. Come and enjoy the magic of Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. Plan your family vacation and create memories for a lifetime.
■Walt Disney World Resort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - [ このページを訳す ]
Walt Disney World Resort is the largest and most visited recreational resort in the world, containing four theme parks, two water parks, 24 themed hotels, and numerous shopping, dining, entertainment and recreation venues. ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney_World_Resort
Walt Disney World Resort is the largest and most visited recreational resort in the world, containing four theme parks, two water parks, 24 themed hotels, and numerous shopping, dining, entertainment and recreation venues. ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney_World_Resort